Tag Archives: Waikanaloa Wet Cave

What do Pig Farms, Wild Boars, Kauai Caves have in common?

Kauai caves, insider tips


If you read my book, you know that pigs and I have a history. Oh man, those shoes! And all that fatback!!

Well, on a sort of related note, what do you think about wild boars? They are nothing to mess with. I went on a hunting trip for boars with nothing but a spear and a knife. Not for everyone!

Here’s another question for you. What do you think about caves? Ha!

Well, I know that boars and caves may be things that some people are afraid of, but if you’re like me and not afraid of too much, you should head over to Haena Beach Park on Kauai. Haena Beach Park is the home of the Maniniholo Dry Cave and the Waikanaloa Wet Cave. Both are worth a visit, and you can enjoy some great hiking in this park too. Just pay attention to the warnings about boars and look out if you see one because they don’t mess around.

What do Pig Farms, Wild Boars and #KauaiCaves have in common? Nada. Except they’ve all been a part of my adventures.

wild boars,

Wild boar track on a most beautiful coast